Subject Fields: Humanities, Literature, Women's & Gender Studies, Cultural Studies

Dibrugarh University Journal of English Studies (DUJES, ISSN [Print] 0975-5659, ISSN [Online] 2581-7833) invites relevant and critical contributions in areas pertaining, but not limited to, literature(s) in English as well as English translations, literary criticism and theory, issues related to research and research methodology and critical humanities, and related fields of literary studies. The journal also invites reviews of texts, reference books and scholarly works related to the discipline. All contributions will be sent anonymously to the Board of Reviewers for blind peer-review, evaluation and approval/rejection. The editors and reviewers shall have discretion in the matter of recommending the submissions for publication.

The name of the contributor(s) and the full official address should be submitted with a short biographical note (not exceeding 100 words) and e-mail id in a SEPARATE DOCUMENT to the document with the article. The Bio-note should also include a declaration that the submission has not been published previously and that the work has not been submitted elsewhere for publication. No part of the document with the submission should contain the author’s name(s) or credentials, in order to facilitate confidential peer reading. The contributors are expected to conform strictly to the following guidelines:


§  Manuscripts of the full-length articles should be between 4000-8000 words (inclusive of works cited and endnotes – please do not use footnotes) and the Reviews must not exceed a word limit of 2000. Contributors are to note that the preliminary overview of the work includes a plagiarism check. If the work has been previously submitted in the form of an M.Phil or Ph.D dissertation, the contributor should declare the same. The contributors are also requested to submit a plagiarism report (Ouriginal/Turnitin/DrillBit etc.) and the ID of the report so that the same may be cross-verified.

§  Contributors are requested to submit a declaration that they have read the submission guidelines, agree to the policy of the journal and that the submission is original and does not contain any plagiarized material or content.

§  In-text citations must not be left incomplete, if found, may lead to rejection. Similarly, submissions without ‘Works Cited’ will not be accepted.

§  An abstract of around 200-400 words along with Keywords must accompany the submission.

§  Submissions with typographical and grammatical errors will be evaluated in an overview of the paper/article before the blind peer-review process, and if found in excess, shall be returned to the author(s) or rejected – the discretion of the Editorial Board is final in this regard. The guidelines stated here are to be strictly adhered to, else the submission will be rejected.

§  Times New Roman Font Style and 12 pt Font Size must be strictly adhered to and lines must be double-spaced. Submissions must be submitted in the .docx format only. No other format will be accepted.

§  The editors urge contributors to have their articles/papers proofread for typographical, grammatical, factual and technical errors BEFORE submission. Articles/papers which overlook the same shall be summarily rejected without intimation.

§  The manuscripts should be prepared strictly according to the MLA Handbook (9th Edition) style. Works cited must conform to the recommended format of the MLA. Failure to do so may result in rejection of the submission.

§  Endnotes must be used rather than footnotes - before the ‘Works Cited’.

§  ‘Works Cited’ should be included in the manuscript and not in a separate document.

§  Formatting issues due to incompatibility of software and/or other related problems will be treated as the responsibility of the contributor. The same will have to be rectified if the concern is raised by the editors.

§  Simultaneous submission of the same manuscript for publication in other journals is not allowed and the work should not have been published previously. A declaration to this effect must be included in the Bio-note.

§  Kindly refer to the other links on the journal page for more details regarding submission guidelines, ethics policy and declarations.


The next issue of DUJES (Vol. 33) is scheduled for publication between March and June, 2025. Contributions for possible inclusion must reach the Editors: Nasmeem F. Akhtar, Associate Professor, Department of English, Dibrugarh University, and Dipak Kumar Doley, Associate Professor, Department of English, Dibrugarh University, by 30th November, 2024, at


Submissions after the deadline will not be considered for the incumbent issue.

Contact Info: The research papers for publication and any other queries may be sent in the following email id:


For further information and queries, write to:


The Editors, DUJES (Vol. 33)

Department of English,

Dibrugarh University,

Assam, India.

Email id-



 We are pleased to inform you that DUJES Vol.32 (2023-2024) has been published. The journal may be downloaded using the following link.





Subject Fields: Humanities, Literature, Women's & Gender Studies, Cultural Studies

Dibrugarh University Journal of English Studies (DUJES, ISSN [Print] 0975-5659, ISSN [Online] 2581-7833) invites relevant and critical contributions in areas pertaining, but not limited to, literature(s) in English as well as English translations, literary criticism and theory, issues related to research and research methodology and critical humanities, and related fields of literary studies. The journal also invites reviews of texts, reference books and scholarly works related to the discipline. All contributions will be sent anonymously to the Board of Reviewers for blind peer-review, evaluation and approval/rejection. The editors and reviewers shall have discretion in the matter of recommending the submissions for publication.


The name of the contributor(s) and the full official address should be submitted with a short biographical note (not exceeding 100 words) and e-mail id in a SEPARATE DOCUMENT to the document with the article. The Bio-note should also include a declaration that the submission has not been published previously and that the work has not been submitted elsewhere for publication. No part of the document with the submission should contain the author’s name(s) or credentials, in order to facilitate confidential peer reading. The contributors are expected to conform strictly to the following guidelines:


Ø Manuscripts of the full-length articles should be between 4000-8000 words (inclusive of works cited and endnotes – please do not use footnotes) and the Reviews must not exceed a word limit of 2000. Contributors are to note that the preliminary overview of the work includes a plagiarism check. If the work has been previously submitted in the form of an M.Phil or Ph.D dissertation, the contributor should declare the same. The contributors are also requested to submit a plagiarism report (OURIGINAL/ TURNITIN) and the ID of the report so that the same may be cross-verified.

Ø Contributors are requested to submit a declaration that they have read the submission guidelines, agree to the policy of the journal and that the submission is original and does not contain any plagiarized material or content.

Ø  In-text citations must not be left incomplete, if found, may lead to rejection. Similarly, submissions without Works Cited will not be accepted.

Ø An abstract of around 200-400 words along with Keywords must accompany the submission.

Ø Submissions with typographical and grammatical errors will be evaluated in an overview of the paper/article before the blind peer-review process, and if found in excess, shall be returned to the author(s) or rejected – the discretion of the Editorial Board is final in this regard. The guidelines stated here are to be strictly adhered to else the submission will be rejected.

Ø Times New Roman, 12 pt Font and font-size must be strictly adhered to and lines must be double-spaced. Submissions must be submitted in the .docx format. No other format will be accepted.

Ø The editors urge contributors to have their articles/papers proofread for typographical, grammatical, factual and technical errors BEFORE submission. Articles/papers which overlook the same shall be summarily rejected without intimation.

Ø The manuscripts should be prepared strictly according to the MLA Handbook (9th Edition) style. Works cited must conform to the recommended format of the MLA. Failure to do so may result in rejection of the submission.

Ø Endnotes must be used rather than footnotes - before the Works Cited.

Ø Works cited should be included in the manuscript and not in a separate document.

Ø Formatting issues due to incompatibility of software and/or other related problems will be treated as the responsibility of the contributor. The same will have to be rectified if the concern is raised by the editors.

Ø Simultaneous submission of the same manuscript for publication in other journals is not allowed and the work should not have been published previously. A declaration to this effect must be included in the Bio-note.

Ø Kindly refer to the other links on the journal page for more details regarding submission guidelines, ethics policy and declarations


The next issue of DUJES (Vol. 32) is scheduled for publication between March and June, 2024. Contributions for possible inclusion must reach the Editors: Nasmeem F. Akhtar, Associate Professor, Department of English, Dibrugarh University, and Ritushmita Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Dibrugarh University, by 31st October, 2023, at


Submissions after the deadline will not be considered for the incumbent issue.

Contact Info: The research papers for publication and any other queries may be sent in the following email id:


For further information and queries, write to:


The Editors, DUJES (Vol. 32)

Department of English,

Dibrugarh University,

Assam, India.


Important Announcement

We are pleased to inform you that DUJES Vol.31 (2022-23) has been published. The journal may be downloaded using the following link.

Back Issues (Archive)


March, 2021 | Volume 30 | PDF Download (Published March, 2022)

March, 2020 | Volume 29 | PDF Download (Published March, 2021)

March, 2019 | Volume 28 | PDF Download (Published March, 2020)

March, 2018 | Volume 27 | PDF Download (Published March, 2019)

March, 2017 | Volume 26 | Read Here (Published March, 2018)

March, 2016 | Volume 25 | Read Here (Published March, 2017)

March, 2015 | Volume 24 | Read Here (Published March, 2016)

March, 2014 | Volume 23 | Read Here (Published March, 2015)

March, 2013 | Volume 22 | Read Here (Published March, 2014)

March, 2012 | Volume 21 | Read Here (Published March, 2013)

March, 2011 | Volume 20 | Read Here (Published March, 2012)

Please Note:- The archiving of the past issues of DUJES is an ongoing process. The website shall be updated as and when the issues are digitised. Hard copies (scanned) may be requisitioned by writing to which will source the same from the Library, Department of English, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam - 786004.

Important Notice Regarding the Journal

Dear paper contributor,

Warm greetings. We hope you all are doing well. The editorial board of Dibrugarh University Journal of English Studies (DUJES) would like to inform you that our journal has been discontinued from the UGC CARE list (Group - I) from April 2022.

We are earnestly initiating the process for re-inclusion of our journal in the UGC CARE list through the prescribed and proper channels. Meanwhile, in the interest of transparency and in keeping with the ethics policy of the Editorial Board, we would like to solicit your written approval (for which we shall reach out to you) on whether you would like to publish your article in the present volume of the journal, that is, DUJES Vol. 30 or you would like to withdraw your article from the same. Kindly intimate us with your response by 30th April, 2022. If no response is received by the aforementioned date, we would continue the process of publication and your contribution shall remain, subject to the peer-review and editorial processes.

We would also like to inform you that the journal continues to remain a peer reviewed journal and we shall continue to abide by the ethics policies framed and prescribed by the Editorial Board in conformity with the UGC CARE recommended guidelines.

We are happy to reassure you that we are making no compromise with quality as regards the selection of papers contributed for publication in the present volume.

We are grateful to you for all your support till date.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
The Editorial Team,
DUJES Vol. 30.


Dear contributors,

We are happy to announce that the PDF of Volume 29 of the journal is now available for online viewing and downloading. Kindly click on this link for the same.

Thank you,


Dr. Lakhipriya Gogoi and Deeptangshu Das